
How We Treat

We have a strong belief in having a balance between clinical excellence, patient preference, and the most updated research when it comes to treating our patients. Our aim is to provide the highest level of treatment to every patient we see. We are fully confident that when you come here, you are in the best hands possible. In short, we will get you the care that you need.

Manual Therapy

Manual Therapy

Pain can be debilitating for many people, affecting their quality of life. At Foundation Physical Therapy, we have an experienced team of physical therapists who use manual therapy techniques to treat chronic and acute pain. Depending on your specific condition and needs, we can implement various therapies to restore optimal wellness. 

Why Manual Physical Therapy?

We believe in one-on-one interaction throughout the recovery process, and manual therapy employs the practitioner’s hands rather than the equipment. These techniques involve skilled movement of hands and passive movements of joints and soft tissue to improve range of motion, control pain and inflammation, and induce relaxation, among other benefits.

Before recommending manual therapy, there are several factors we take into account: medical history, patient’s condition, age, environmental factors, and social support. These factors impact the type of physical therapy and whether physical therapy is necessary. There are many manual therapy techniques, and we can recommend the most effective for quick recovery.

Please schedule a consultation with our representatives, and kick-start your wellness journey with the experts from Foundation Physical Therapy by your side.

Manual Therapy

Manipulation Therapy

Manipulation therapy is one of the most commonly used techniques in physical therapy to restore or retrain bodily functions. The experts at Foundation Physical Therapy may use manipulative therapy to restore blood flow and improve lymphatic circulation if you have experienced a trauma, or suffer from a neurologic disease.

There are many cases where manipulative therapy can be used to relieve pain and restore wellness. Our experienced physical therapists deliver the technique gently, respecting the patient’s condition. Manipulation in the right areas can lead to rapid pain reduction when performed appropriately and in a prompt manner.

Who Should Perform Manipulation Therapy

While manipulation is not confined to one exclusive domain, our expert physical therapists have extensive training and knowledge to employ the technique to guarantee safety and promote health. If manipulation is improperly executed, you risk further damage and long-term injuries.

We can assess your condition to ensure it is performed with the right speed and amplitude to improve motion and alleviate pain. Schedule an appointment with the Foundation Physical Therapy experts to enhance your overall well-being.

Manipulation Therapy

Balance Vestibular Training

Balancing helps us maintain equilibrium and accomplish basic and higher-level tasks. Our ability to balance is based on three systems working together: visual, sensory, and vestibular systems. The vestibular system comprises nerve bundles, labyrinths, and canals that communicate to the brain its position relative to gravity.

If you have a vestibular disorder, you will likely experience intermittent or chronic disequilibrium, vertigo, or imbalance. By addressing these disorders, Foundation Physical Therapy can support and treat those who need help before things get worse.

Vestibular Disorder Treatment

We have years of experience addressing balance-related issues, whether you are involved in a high-impact accident or trauma. Our trained physical therapists can help to address the vestibular system and restore optimal function. Various vestibular rehabilitation strategies are employed in balance training, including manual therapy, corrective vestibular exercises, habituation exercises, and gait aids.

Foundation Physical Therapy uses these positioning techniques to improve your tolerance to uncomfortable positions. Please schedule a consultation with our representatives, and let us improve the relationship and signals your body relies on to function.

Balance / Vestibular Training


Modalities are physical therapeutic agents used to induce a response or change. The modalities provided at Foundation Physical Therapy are usually used to address musculoskeletal problems and help patients regain optimal function and mobility. There are many modalities employed in physical therapy, and we can recommend the right one based on your condition and the severity of the injury. Here are some of the common types of modalities.

Electrical Stimulation

This technique uses an adjustable electric current to reduce muscle spasms by modulating and regulating contraction rhythm. We recommend this technique to strengthen weak muscles and improve blood flow to the affected part for enhanced healing, especially after surgery.

Hot and Cold Packs

Cold packs reduce inflammation and blood flow, relieving pain after acute sprains, strains, or surgery. Hot packs provide steam and heat, penetrating sore muscles, increasing blood flow, and relaxing the affected part.

Other modalities employed in physical therapy include ultrasound, low-level laser therapy, and functional dry needling, among others. Schedule a consultation with the professional physicians at Foundation Physical Therapy to get back to the activities you enjoy.

Modalities / Healing Agents


Physical therapy employs a range of techniques to improve mobility and relieve pain. Taping is a standard method used as a temporary technique or adjunct. Athletes may use taping as a protective measure in the presence of an existing injury. At Foundation Physical Therapy, we recommend taping as rehabilitation in instances where stability and support are needed. Whether it’s to protect an injured anatomical structure, prevent injury, or a first aid tool, taping can help ensure you don’t experience further damage.

Uses of Taping in Physical Therapy

There are many uses of taping in physiotherapy, such as relieving pain, improving joint stability, enhancing athlete confidence, preventing injury, and facilitating muscle action. A professional physician can determine the best type of taping for your needs without compromising the bottom line: relieving pain and promoting movement.

Taping is incorporated into treating many conditions and injuries like shoulder injuries, ankle sprains, heel pain, muscle strains, and tendonitis. Our experts have successful experience in taping and can help you reap the benefits it offers in physical therapy.

Kinesiology & Sports Taping


Also known as instrument assisted soft tissue mobilization (IASTM), it is an effective myofascial intervention used for soft-tissue treatment. The technique incorporates specialized equipment to manipulate the skin, muscles, and tendons using varying direct compressive stroke techniques.

How IASTM Works

Our professional physical therapists from Foundation Physical Therapy use specialized instruments to break down fascial restrictions and scar tissue effectively. The equipment's design allows the physician to locate restrictions and treat the affected area with the right amount of pressure. This occurs by introducing controlled microtrauma to the affected soft tissue, inducing a local inflammatory response.

IASTM initiates the reabsorption of excess scar tissue or inappropriate fibrosis to facilitate healing activities resulting from remodeling the affected soft tissue structures. This technique can restore function if you are experiencing immobilization or repeated strains due to surgery. Learn more about IASTM by scheduling a consultation with our team of experts.

Instrumented Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization (IASTM)


This ancient healing technique is commonly used to relieve pain and should be performed by a certified physician. The professional therapists at Foundation Physical Therapy place cups on your stomach, back, arms, legs, or other body parts, and a vacuum force pulls the skin upward. Besides being performed for thousands of years, cupping is still an effective solution to alleviate pain and disease symptoms.

How Cupping Works

The suction force created by the cups draws fluid into the treated area, expanding and opening tiny blood vessels under the skin. The goal is to make the body react to the cupping areas like an injury, sending blood to these areas to stimulate natural healing. It also allows the body to clear the pores and release harmful toxins.

Cupping is commonly used to address conditions that cause pain and help people living with chronic, ongoing issues. Some of the conditions we can treat with cupping include arthritis, back, and shoulder pain, and migraines. Please schedule a consultation with our experienced physicians and learn more about effective ways to restore maximum wellness.

Cupping Therapy

Aquatic Therapy

Also referred to as pool therapy, this treatment technique consists of a personalized exercise program performed in water. At Foundation Physical Therapy, we use aquatic therapy as an effective and valuable treatment method for various medical conditions. By using the physical properties of water to assist in exercise performance, we can boost healing and restore optimal wellness.

Why Aquatic Therapy?

Many patients with chronic pain can’t support their weight, making it difficult to perform everyday tasks. With pool therapy, the water provides buoyancy, allowing the patient to move seamlessly, and reducing the stress on affected joints. Many conditions are treated using aquatic therapy, but the most common include fractured bones, arthritis, bursitis, and balance disorders.

While the treatment process takes place in a low-risk environment, it is advisable to be accompanied by a professional aquatic therapy practitioner. The physicians at Foundation Physical Therapy provide a safe space where clients become comfortable in the water. Schedule an appointment and learn more about aquatic therapy techniques from the experts.

Aquatic Therapy

Foundation Physical Therapists are movement experts who are specially trained in functional movement. We use specialized equipment to slow motion capture areas where you need to improve. This equipment allows us to slow down your movement to determine important areas of needed improvement. It also allows us the ability to show you the deficits in the way you move to allow you to self-correct these movements.

Slow Motion Capture Walking and Running Analysis

Functional movement screening allows us to identify areas of weakness and possible injury. We have found the most optimal movements and the areas which limit ones’ ability to live the life they want to.

Functional Movement Screening

Ergonomic training helps you create the most optimal working environments and optimize your movement in every work setting. Our world has changed tremendously in the past few years with many working at computers and even from home. These work environments have changed many industries but have also been detrimental to societal health.

Ergonomic Training

Collaboration with our medical team allows you to get the best care that our entire team can provide. We make healthcare easy with the systems and partnerships we have developed in the community. We understand navigating the healthcare system is difficult. It is our goal to make your healthcare experience and communication with your medical team seamless.

Collaboration with Medical Team

Utah is a direct access care state. This means you can go seek care directly from a physical therapist without a physicians’ referral. Doctor of Physical Therapy are highly trained to rule out any serious causes and refer to specialized areas, when needed. This important change in our state allows patients to obtain the care they need quickly, which improves their outcomes and decreases healthcare costs.

Direct Access Care

We provide the highest level of injury prevention musculoskeletal screening and evaluations to determine the root cause of your pain and how you can prevent injuries in the future.

Musculoskeletal Screening

Isokinetic testing is one of the most valid and consistent ways to objectively test and retest strength. Whether you are recovering from a sports injury, a traumatic fracture, or a simple ankle sprain, you want to return to symmetrical strength in the injured limb. Isokinetic testing is the most valid way to determine symmetry after an injury.

Isokinetic Testing

Dry Needling

Movement impairments and pain usually coincide, and Foundation Physical Therapy has a solution. Dry needling involves inserting a needle without medication in specific areas of the muscle tissue. Physical therapists use needles to target tissues that can't be reached with hands. Although it is confused with acupuncture, it is not the same!

Why Dry Needling?

This treatment method is usually part of a treatment program to improve the range of motion and relieve pain. Recent studies show that dry needling normalizes the dysfunction of motor end plates, accelerating the patient's return to active rehabilitation.

Our professional team of physical therapists can effectively perform the procedure to treat sports injuries, fibromyalgia, and muscle pain. We recommend working with a skilled physician to mitigate risks associated with dry needling in a non-sterile environment. We ensure every physician has undergone formal training and is certified to perform the treatment.

Please schedule a consultation with our professional physicians at Foundation Physical Therapy to eliminate muscular pain and stiffness.

Dry Needling

Blood Flow Restriction

BFR (Blood Flow Restriction) is a valuable treatment technique adopted by Foundation Physical Therapy to help patients recover from various injuries faster and more effectively. We may use this treatment for patients struggling with lifting weights because of a severe injury, age, or other limitations. Our professional therapists leverage extensive experience to effectively execute this innovative, science-based technique as part of the rehabilitation process.

How BFR Works

We use clinical knowledge and our assessment of the patient’s injury to choose exercises that target specific muscles accordingly. This allows us to gauge the patient’s activity tolerance and monitor the stage of the rehabilitation process. BFR can be used to provide the best results in muscle growth. Foundation Physical Therapy incorporates BFR to provide positive results in rehabilitation. If you are interested in learning more, schedule a consultation with our team of experts.

Blood Flow Restriction
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